This has been the worst week of my life and it's only Thursday. Okay not really but I don't think I've ever been more stressed about school In. My. Goddamn. Life... Fawk! Currently coming off of a biology quiz last night with a math exam tomorrow and a biology exam on Monday. Lord when will this end.
The only motivator I have at this time is being able to move out and away from Philadelphia when I get this degree. I love Philly but I need something new. Chicago is lowkey calling my name... But this is my only motivator because I actually don't give a fuuuck about my major anymore. I'm typing this while in a C class and the professor is literally telling us to use chatGPT for our labs,,, this industry is so cooked😭😭😭 I didn't even want to work in this industry regardless. It was always the video game industry but now I really want to work in TV. Or like,,, host an interview show a la Give It To Me Straight hosted by Maddy Morphosis. But how tf do you make money off that! How!
Following up on last week's post: (Project Runway season 8 spoilers) Gretchen did in fact win the season. Bro. HOW. Happy for her I guess but it just didn't seem correct. It actually seemed like the judges Michael Kors and the lady who runs Marie Claire just didn't fw him or didn't want to have to create a line of clothes from him... Something's fishy here and it's not just your... yeah. Something's off. That being said, I've been looking into it and it kind of seems like Project Runway: All Stars was created so Mondo could get his win. Lowkey gotta watch but also everyone's saying he's a total bitch in every other time... hmmm...
Update: It's now Friday. I think I might've hurt my right wrist from excessive writing, typing, mouse usage, and knitting... I literally had to stop using that hand last night and write the rest of my assignments with my left hand while icing the right. Even as I'm typing this now it kind of hurts and I'm realizing just how much I use my right hand. I type mainly with my right hand and only really use the left hand for keys left of t which is just not even at all. Now I think I have to have to have a goal of being ambidextrous so I can write with my left hand and still be able to draw and knit with my right without giving myself arthritis. Anyways, calculus test in a few hours. eek.
Okay. I think I kind of crashed not one but two slaynes into the calculus towers... Like that wasn't terrible. Maybe even kind of good.
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